Tsaftacewa robot- na hana damuwa

Cibiyar Jama'a Shenzhen

Shenzhen Civic Center is a comprehensive building with multiple functions such as Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress, Shenzhen Museum, Shenzhen Hall, etc. It is the administrative center of Shenzhen, the main office of the municipal government, and a place for public entertainment. Ya zama hoton hoton gwamnatin Shenzhen jam'iyyar Shenzhen, mafi yawan ginin, ginin wani abu a Shenzhen.

Robots na Candela ya yi amfani da kamfaninmu A02, slowasa ƙasa kuma ku guji masu tafiya a lokacin da suka gano masu tafiya, da kuma gonakin da ke cikin tsaftace-squic.